Vision & mission

Mission, vision & values


We wish to be our customers preferred partner in all our product areas.

Pettinaroli A/S wishes to be the preferred supplier of plumbing components and systems for indoor climate control to the professional market in Denmark and export markets in Northern, Central and Eastern Europe with an emphasis on high quality, know-how, customer service and industry loyalty



Pettinaroli A/S is to play an ative role in the nearest markets (Northern markets and Germany) with a high level of activity in our sales work and do our best to build and maintain our brand with a focus on quality and service.

On farther markets with sales activities being less frequent, we will build a dealer system which works with the same preferences as do Pettinaroli A/S.

Pettinaroli A/S long-term strategy is to be known as an expert in indoor climate control (heating, cooling and ventilation).



To set high standards in climate comfort of buildings. To serve our markets with competitive components for installation technics of highest quality.

Pettinaroli A/S wishes to develop and market solutions securing people the optimal level of comfort in their own homes.

Pettinaroli A/S wishes to develop and market technical solutions for indoor climate control on the industrial market.

We are to be the preferred partner in the companies with whom we coorporate in terms of loyalty, quality, know-how and customer service.

Our staff is to live up to our mission at all times, and therefore a continuous development of employees, their resources and skills takes place.



Pettinaroli A/S’ quality objectives are:

  1. That our customers view Pettinaroli A/S as being both a reliable and stable company.
  2. To market and deliver products and services of a quality and price statisfactory to our customers.
  3. That our products and services do not in any way harm people, stock or surroundings through suitable use or unintentional misuse.
  4. That our products are specified in accordance with international standards.
  5. That our system of quality assurance secures that above goals are reached with lowest possible expenses.
  6. That we continuously motivate our employees and appeal to their professional competences to ensure optimal well-being while at work and that the individual employee feels satisfaction and pride in being a part of Pettinaroli A/S.
  7. To maintain a level of know-how so Pettinaroli A/S is able to secure that above goals are reached at any time.



The external values of Pettinaroli A/S are:

  • Best and most easy-going partner for our customers.
  • High level of service.
  • High level of skills and technical know-how.
  • Precise and fast logistics.
  • Efficient company.